Rainy Day Diaries

Eps. 25 - Don't feel pressure to have babies!!! (Pep Talk)

Episode Summary

”All of my friends are having babies right now, and I feel like I’m supposed to have one now.” I pretty much said exactly this podcast to her to encourage her NOT to feel pressured!! Just in case there somewhere out there who also feels pressured, either by her friends, her age, her family, or just because she’s married, I thought it would be the perfect first minisode pep talk. <3

Episode Notes

While visiting one of my favorite coffee shops recently, someone playing with Ollie said to me…

”All of my friends are having babies right now, and I feel like I’m supposed to have one now.”

I pretty much said exactly this podcast to her to encourage her NOT to feel pressured!! Just in case there somewhere out there who also feels pressured, either by her friends, her age, her family, or just because she’s married, I thought it would be the perfect first minisode pep talk. <3

As always, thank you SO MUCH for listening!

I’d love to hear from you! @jenipherlyn or @rainydaydiariespod <3

To read more show notes head to www.jeniphelyn.com/podcast or email me at Jenipherlyn@gmail.com with any questions or suggestions! :D

Or to purchase Find Your Rainbow -> www.jenipherlyn.com