Rainy Day Diaries

Eps. 24 - Katie Abey talks about Mental Health in the UK, & how to OWN your style!

Episode Summary

Katie Abey talks about how mean our brains can be to each other, how to overcome depression and anxiety, and how INCREDIBLE Katie’s journey in the illustration world has been! (Just out of Uni she started an illustration empire and now has 6 employees and two physical shop locations. Crazypants!!)

Episode Notes

I was insanely happy to interview Katie Abey for an episode of Rainy Day Diaries. We’ve been instagram friends for a while now and I just ADORE her style!

In this episode we talk about the differences in Mental Health in UK and US, about how mean our brains can be to each other, how to overcome depression and anxiety, and how INCREDIBLE Katie’s journey in the illustration world has been! (Just out of Uni she started an illustration empire and now has 6 employees and two physical shop locations. Crazypants!!)

Since we talked, Katie is now pregnant with a little girl! Ahhhhh so exciting!

As always, thank you SO MUCH for listening!

I’d love to hear from you! @jenipherlyn or @rainydaydiariespod <3

To read more show notes head to www.jeniphelyn.com/podcast or email me at Jenipherlyn@gmail.com with any questions or suggestions! :D

Or to purchase Find Your Rainbow -> www.jenipherlyn.com