Rainy Day Diaries

Eps. 31 - Guy Kopsumbut: From Passive Income to Finding Contentedness in Life. (& lots of laughs)

Episode Summary

**Warning: We are FAST talkers! You might want to set your speed back a smidge. Sorry! <3 This episode is brought to you by friendship! [Guy Kopsumbut](https://jenipherlyn.com/blog/31) aka 4am Showers is an encouraging comic artist, & all around stellar guy! His goal in life is to make other people smile by creating adorable, uplifting comics. Rainy Day Diaries guest, [Lauren Lowen ](https://jenipherlyn.com/blog/6) (episode 6!) introduced me to Guy last year, and I couldn't be more excited to have him on the show! In this episode, Guy talks about everything from growing his social media following (He has over 200k on Instagram!!) & passive income streams to finding contentedness in life. Grab the SHOWNOTES! www.jenipherlyn.com/blog/31 Instagram: www.instagram.com/rainydaydiaries

Episode Notes

**Warning: We are FAST talkers! You might want to set your speed back a smidge. Sorry! <3

This episode is brought to you by friendship!

Guy Kopsumbutt aka 4am Showers is an encouraging comic artist, & all around stellar guy! His goal in life is to make other people smile by creating adorable, uplifting comics.

Rainy Day Diaries guest, Lauren Lowen (episode 6!) introduced me to Guy last year, and I couldn't be more excited to have him on the show!

In this episode, Guy talks about everything from growing his social media following (He has over 200k on Instagram!!) & passive income streams to finding contentedness in life.

A Few Fun Topics:

Grab the SHOWNOTES! www.jenipherlyn.com/blog/31

Instagram: www.instagram.com/rainydaydiaries