Rainy Day Diaries

Eps. 26 - Booki Vivat: How being FRAZZLED in middle school worked to her benefit.

Episode Summary

When I first came upon Booki Vivat's book series, "Frazzled", I instantly knew I wanted them. Not only is she an author/illustrator (win again!), but she’s obsessed with pastries. Booki’s story is super interesting! Make sure to listen to find out how she went from working at a publishing house, to becoming a published author, without even pitching any books!!

Episode Notes

When I first came upon Booki Vivat's book series, "Frazzled", I instantly knew I wanted them. I was vending at a market and decided I was going to buy them from my book seller neighbor, (but Camilo said I bought enough books... then later bought them for me for Christmas, so it was a win!) Not only is she an author/illustrator (win again!), but she’s obsessed with pastries.

It was so exciting to get to interview someone who (also) wrote and illustrated a book for middle grade kids, and Booki’s story is super interesting! Make sure to listen to find out how she went from working at a publishing house, to becoming a published author, without even pitching any books!!

As always, thank you SO MUCH for listening!I’d love to hear from you! @jenipherlyn or @rainydaydiariespod <3

To read more show notes head to www.jeniphelyn.com/podcast or email me at Jenipherlyn@gmail.com with any questions or suggestions! :DOr to purchase Find Your Rainbow -> www.jenipherlyn.com